Sunday, August 15, 2010

179.6 Hitting The Wall

Years and years ago, Jeff ran in a Boston Marathon (and finished)! He used to talk about "hitting the wall" as he started up Heartbreak Hill in Newton. He'd feel like he had nothing left to give but knew he had to run those hills in order to reach the finish line.

Today and yesterday and the day before to be honest, I've felt a little like I've hit the wall. I think it's a combination of things playing off of each other...getting out of the exercise mode due to the surgery, eating out a couple of times - let's make that 3 times over the past week, and just kind of a let down because I haven't been sleeping that well due to the eye thing. Now they are really itchy (I call them bitchy!), because the itchiness does make me pretty irritable.

So it's time to gather myself - I simply love that expression - around my purpose and get my act together again. I'm so close and I'd like these last 9 pounds to leave in a hurry, not drag us all through tedious weeks of going nowhere.

It's really hot here so we're going to a movie and then, you guessed it, we're going out to eat. But I can order well and just eat half and love myself! Now there's a thought....


Anonymous said...

Great post. Yes, "gather yourself." Smile...and keep your eye on the goal and beyond...

priscilla said...

I once saw a movie with an actress named Iris Itchynose. You think YOU"VE got problems...Anyway, gather together and count your blessings and you'll lose your pounds. You're doing SO WELL!!!

lynseym said...

Sue, it is SO hot here too. Give yourself the time and rest to heal! Is that indoor pool center open there yet? I've gone twice this week to swim a mile but the one day I tried to walk my dog, I felt like the heat and humidity knocked me on my butt!

You've come so far and you'll get there!


Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller