Thursday, August 5, 2010

181.4 Putting Things In Perspective

Hmm...what shall I write about today? I don't think I've ever started a post this way, with that question, although everyday that question floats through my mind.

I did go over and "hop" on the elliptical this afternoon and stayed with it for 20 minutes. I did a 15 minute mile and then did my cool down. Tomorrow I'll add more time and work back up to the 40 minute range. It is unbelievably hot here in Scottsdale. It's 108 degrees up here where we live, which is at a an elevation of about 2000 feet higher than downtown Scottsdale and it rarely gets this hot up here. In fact, it's too hot to think about going into the pool. I'm putting off the water therapy until it cools down a bit.

Today Loretta had cochlear implant surgery which is why she is down here from Prescott. It really puts things in perspective when your friends have health issues. She experienced sudden onset deafness in one ear about 6 months ago and is determined to live the best quality of life that she can. I really admire her for getting the information and making the decision to deal with the problem instead of just talking about it or putting up with it.

Life throws us all unexpected and undesirable experiences and problems. From my perspective, facing things, getting the best help possible, and moving on is not always easy, but is essential to living a fulfilled and abundant life.

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