Tuesday, August 3, 2010

183.4 It's Tricky, Coming Home

Today has been a funny day. I've worked hard to get a lot done after being away for so long. I washed, and ironed (something I love to do since I can see the immediate results of my actions - is this akin to instant gratification and food?), worked on a new necklace design, and am getting ready for house guests for the next few days. What makes it different is that I keep thinking that I need to write my blog post and then life gets in the way and I forget! Being away and out of my routine always makes returning home a little tricky.

My weight did go down almost two pounds which is what I expected and was counting on. They say you get dehydrated on planes, but I think I store up lots of fluid in case no water is available when I land. :) Today I feasted on fresh raspberries and cherries and am looking forward to chicken and roasted peppers for dinner tonight. As I have often written, I love eating like this and this is not the way I used to eat even a couple of years ago. I had to have a potato, or rice, or pasta, and a couple of glasses of wine, and maybe a little dessert! That way of eating seems very strange to me now.

So life is good and I am looking forward to busting through the 180 mark. It was fun to see the high 170s on my daughter's scale when we were visiting even though it was a reflection of her scale and not my true weight. It was like a sneak preview and it was good!

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