I just finished one of my favorite breakfasts. It consists of fresh berries on top of "Better Than Peanut Butter" (available at Trader Joe's), on top of an Oroweat Double Fiber English Muffin.
The berries are still plentiful and so delicious, and the peanut butter is defatted and has all the goodness of peanut butter, but half the fat and calories of regular peanut butter. Warning: in my opinion, humble as it may be, this does not taste a lot like peanut butter. In a taste test, I'm sure you would be able to detect the difference. However, the benefits are such that I have opted for it to replace my real peanut butter, and the taste is well, pretty good.
The white stuff? Well, the truth had to come out one way or another. Call it an addiction (no it is not cocaine), or a strong craving, but I use a lot of Splenda. When I put it on fruit the flavor seems to pop up several notches, and always use it in my coffee, or tea. And, I drink several gallons - well, it seems like that - of Crystal Light everyday.
Maybe I should blog about getting over my Splenda habit once I reach my weight goal? Nope, not a chance because I have no plans to banish this from my daily diet. Maybe Splenda is one of my new comfort foods!
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