Why do I write this blog, and who cares? These are questions that have come up several times and they do put me on the defensive, but then I take a deep breath and start to think about the best way to answer them.
Why? I write it because it is a way of making public (and keeping a record for me) all the aspects of what goes into losing a lot of weight employing a totally different approach than most folks use. Having lost and regained 50 pounds twice by using fast weight loss methods, I knew I had do find a way to lose weight in a way that would hold promise of changing my habits so that I would be able to maintain the weight loss once I reached my goal. I do write it for myself which is why I post my weight every day, but I am also writing it so that those who read it can learn from it and/or just enjoy a real look at all that goes into a slow weight loss adventure. I am committed to helping folks who want to lose weight to make that a reality.
Who cares? Well, according to Google Analytics, there have been 9100 hits from 428 different folks since October of 2009. I don't have that many loyal friends or relatives, and in fact most of them don't read it. People from all over the world have checked it out and it really pleases me to know that perhaps my journey will motivate and entertain them as they travel on theirs.
I also want to say that I have really appreciated the comments both on the blog site and through emails and conversations about how much folks like it.
I wrote in my response to your update how great it is that you're writing your blog, etc. Really take in how much you've changed. It's important that you claim yourself...the new you and not be swayed by what others say. Sure...you'll always care...but when you claim who you are and like yourself...you'll be able to take in what's important and let the rest go. Hugs...Jennifer
You inspire other people. Including me. It's a way of giving and getting support through an online community. Please don't stop, I need this blog to help me keep on track.
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