Sunday, August 22, 2010

179.0 "My Favs" and Me

I just got back from visiting my dear friend the elliptical. Our relationship has been a little rocky over the past 4 - 5 weeks, basically because I haven't been doing my part. I've ignored it, putting other things first, and so reuniting with it today wasn't easy. I did the interval speed up technique a couple of times and thought that the elliptical was out to kill me! As I was easing into completing 10 long, hard minutes on it, I started thinking about leaving, quietly, sort of slipping out the back door. But then, as I was listening to my group of tunes for exercise that I call "My Favs", (I know, not very original) Willie started singing On The Road Again and there was no way I could leave before he finished. So on I rode. And then, as I am still planning my unobtrusive exit, Louis Armstrong joined in with What A Wonderful World, so I decided that I really needed to keep going and use that song as an opportunity to cool down, and then.... Well, you get the picture. I stayed with it for 25 minutes instead of 10, thanks to "My Favs". I'm going to add some more songs that I can't possibly not listen to and see if I can't use that as my motivation to keep going. Once I download about 40 minutes worth of tunes on "My Favs" instead of the current ~25 minutes, I'll be in business.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's always difficult to get back in the groove when you're away from exercise. I felt the same thing when I came back for Oceanside. It doesn't feel good to experience the loss of strength and lung capacity. But all comes back quickly after about a week. You'll stay with your FAVs and stay in love with your dear friend, the will serve you well.

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller