Friday, June 25, 2010

184.0 Kudos to Kathleen!

As you know, on the right side of my posts I list other websites and information for you to check out if you are interested. One of the sites is entitled Among The Savages and it is written by a very dear friend of mine who my daughter Miranda met while they were both attending Colby College. Kathleen just posted on her blog that she has finally reached her goal weight that puts her back where she was before she gave birth to her youngest son. Congratulations, Kathleen!

Kathleen has been one of my cheerleaders since I've been on this weight loss adventure, while trekking along on her own weight loss adventure. In her post today, she let on that she is disappointed that her figure is not the same as it was when she weighed the same amount in the past. Since I am 67, I've never dreamed my figure would be similar to when I weighed a lot less many years ago. Age does give us a little different perspective :), and although having a lovely figure is a blessing, being healthy and strong, agile and flexible are the real gifts of losing weight and exercising. She will have to continue her exercise and awareness about food forever if she wants to maintain her new weight, but having the knowledge that she achieved her goal will certainly give the confidence and will to continue so that she can maintain her goal weight! You did it, Kathleen, and I am going to do it, too!

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