I've started taking better care of my face. About a week ago I wrote about the face lift conundrum and my decision to use better products rather than plunk out $$$$ for a face lift. So I did start using a product that promises to restore moisture, and replenish my skin with all sorts of things it is lacking overnight and during the day. I have also been taking the time to really apply make-up rather than my usual slap dab approach of
nobody will notice anyway. So last night we were with our group that meets monthly and the question became, had I had a face lift since we had last met! Well it wasn't the most important question of the evening since this group meets to discuss all things spiritual and theological, but it was the question I could most easily expound on! Of course, the answer was no! But it did point out that a little effort and a little care can make a difference.

Maybe you'll think this is silly, but I am now becoming very attuned to the food I eat and can almost feel the vitamins and antioxidants that the fresh blueberries supply surging through my cells. The delicious taste and crunch of biting into a fresh cherry simply fills me with delight! And knowing that cherries have been found to lower belly fat and inflammation and cholesterol makes me so grateful that I can eat them. When I used to eat to numb my emotions or tune out whatever was bothering me at the moment I was never really focused on the taste, the texture, on the health giving properties of whatever I was eating. It was all about getting the emotional pain dulled. Mindless anything is empty whether it's eating, taking care of our bodies, or spending time doing whatever we like. Awareness, gratitude and appreciation all play into taking care of ourselves.
1 comment:
I'm certainly glad to hear such good things about cherries. I indulged in a bit of emotional eating this afternoon BUT I indulged in cherries. LOTS of cherries. Better than oreos anyway.
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