Friday, June 18, 2010

184.4 Only 14 To Go.

Well, today's weight was great to see. I've been stuck at 185 for so long, so I was thrilled to see the drop. My sister Priscilla and her husband Phil are visiting now. She has written great comments in response to many of my posts and has been just a super cheerleader throughout this process. She's managed her weight over the years extremely well with a lot of perseverance, unlike me. Whereas she should have won the perseverance award, I think I should have won a yo-yo championship somewhere along the way with all of my losses and then subsequent gains.

This time though, yo-yoing is not an option. I have worked too hard on understanding why I eat and other aspects of food and me to let that ever happen again. So I am re-energized to keep the weight coming off. After all, it is only 14 more pounds and I'll have reached my goal! Come on, Sue. Do it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Three cheers for the Queen!

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