My back has been acting up or acting out ever since the hornet tried to nest in my hair in New Hampshire. I've iced it, I've rested it, I've put heat on it, I've ignored it, I've exercised it and the truth be told, it is not responding. Often I move like an old woman with a bad back, reminiscent of pre-surgery days. But I am loving my back. Seriously, my back has been through everything I've been through and it is still supporting me and I know it will for the rest of my life. And, I know that my back and I will figure out how to help it heal.
I didn't used to be so loving toward my body parts. You faithful readers know that I've not liked the ankles and legs that I was born with. When so much emphasis is put on good looking legs and ankles, it's been hard for me to love them. In fact, until recently I hated them. I was venting to Jennifer about my G D legs and ankles during a session about 3 months ago, and when I referred them in such a negative manner, her eyes grew wide and she admonished me to never refer to any part of my body in such a derogatory way. A more conventional therapist would probably asked me to talk about the issue, but Jennifer doesn't work that way. She confronted me about my attitude and I am glad she did. What's really amazing is after we had the conversation about loving all of my body, every cell, I started wearing bermuda shorts with ease and quit judging every little and/or big flaw. Focusing on achieving a healthy body on this weight loss journey instead of being obsessed with its imperfections has resulted in an interesting change of attitude. I love it. It is me. Thanks, Jennifer!
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