Sunday, December 6, 2009

202.4 Keeping Compliments Compartmentalized

I just returned from the workout room at the community center and I have a mixed report to report! I did 12 minutes on the treadmill and I got my heart rate up to 131 which is close to death for someone of my age. Oh, no it's not, (silly me) because this morning on the Wii Fit my age was 45 after I did the evaluation which is optional every time you get on. I did get the treadmill up to 3 miles an hour. For some of you, you are wondering what the big deal is, but for me it is very big because the fastest I ever had gone was about 2.6. So, progress is being made on the treadmill front. However, the elliptical did me in again today. I see my PT tomorrow and maybe she will have some magical technique known only to experienced ellipticalists that she will share with me so I can spend some time on that *#^?/ machine.

But before I hit the machines I went to a magnificent Holiday Brunch. Several people ooohed and aaaahed about my weight loss, but mainly because they hadn't seen me in a while. I have to keep the compliments compartmentalized so I don't think I am done. I took a good hard look at myself in the mirror today before getting all la te da for the party and there is definitely lots of work to be done. It is good to get down to basics in this process of losing weight. After all, I had deluded myself for several years that I either couldn't or didn't need to lose weight and I don't want to fall into that trap again. Again, staying present, being aware of where I am and where I want to be is so important. Compliments are wonderful, but not the same as achieving my goal!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know how important this progress is, Susan. It's huge and impressive!

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller