Wednesday, December 9, 2009

200.4 Two Special Milestones

Did you see that? 200.4! I got off and on the scale a second time because I was surprised and so happy to finally reach that milestone. So, now I have lost 47 pounds since I started and 37 pounds since April. I do know that 200 is just another number in the downward slide on the scale, but seeing it this morning was just great!

I went to see my PT today and she really put me through my paces, reminding me that I initiated more visits to see her because I wanted to get in better shape. So we started with 2 and 1/2 minutes on the elliptical. She assured me I could do it, and I did! Then we did several core strengthening exercises, and then she challeneged me to do 2 more minutes on the elliptical and, guess what? I did!

And one more thing... It was one year ago yesterday that I had my first laser spine surgery, and that was life changing for me in the most positive sense possible. After that, I could walk without the horrible pain in my legs, and I could stand up straight. Being able walk has played a big part in my weight loss success. So, the surgery plus my determination to get the weight off using Jennifer's program has made me feel younger and definitely more agile and happy. What a couple of days!


Unknown said...

Yea! And more yea!

Anonymous said...

So close to that breaking the 200 barrier big dinner/salad celebration. Call when that happens and we'll have to do something special. Great to see you tonight.

Anonymous said...

I've been faithfully checking in every morning to see how you're doing. I'm so so happy for you. I have a sister who's overweight and seems to do nothing about it and be content with it. After reading hour blog, I know how she must be feeling and I so wish she could get your "religion". She'd be so much happier. Most importantly, congratulations to you. Yay!

Connie said...

You are my inspiration. Congrats, I know you have fought to stay focused and you have done it......

lynseym said...

Way to go, Sue! I'm most impressed by your improvement in the gym. I thought of you today while I was swimming and how far you've come with the strength and stamina.

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller