Tuesday, December 15, 2009

203.0 Happy Birthday, Jeff!

My son-in-law is a poet. I wish I were a poet. I would write a poem entitled How Life Gets In The Way! Today is Jeff's birthday and we are going out...again. I want to go out with him and I know exactly what I will order without even looking at the menu and it will all work out fine. But I make these proclamations to myself about home and healthy and then I find myself out and about. But honestly, I love my life and that we are together to celebrate his birthday so I will quit my complaining! I just realized we have celebrated 45 birthdays together! Now that's something to be very happy about.

I did face the scale this morning with some trepidation and it was barely okay, but it will go down. Today I went to my PT and, are you ready, I did the elliptical for 5 minutes and 16 seconds! How's that? She covered up the digital display so I couldn't see how long I was ellipticaling and when I finally stopped, I was really surprised, and happy, and I could hardly move! My PT told me that doing the elliptical is so much harder than the treadmill because the motion is more like running than walking. So, I was running for 5 minutes and 16 seconds??? No, but it is fun to think about.

Happy Birthday, Jeff! Let's go celebrate!


queenmabby said...

happy birthday dad!! 45 years together - that is amazing!!! love you both!

priscilla said...

This is great. You're being patient with yourself. AND, life doesn't stop just 'cause you're on a diet! Happy BIrthday Jeff!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Jeff. You can be so proud of what you have accomplished, Sue so enjoy the moment. As Scarlett said, "Tomorrow is another day".

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller