Wednesday, December 2, 2009

204.0 So, What's Goin' On?

Today I went over to my Community Center workout room and jumped on the elliptical after not being on it for over a week. I use the term jumped on lightly because I don't really jump on much except maybe a good idea. Anyway, I thought I was going to die and I had only been on it for 1 minute and 45 seconds. This time it was a total body revolt, not just my legs. So I stopped, waited about 30 seconds to regroup and give myself a pep talk about how I could do this, and then completed the last 15 seconds so I could claim that I did 2 minutes today. Can I blame it on jet lag? Who knows, but tomorrow I head back to my physical therapist and I'll ask her about it.

A funny thing happened last night. I had been on the plane all day and after dinner I decided to do the Wii Fit. I was awesome! I was so good that I thought I might be ready for the ski slalom event in the next Olympics. However, this morning when I got on it, I was terrible. What happened? Here's my take on this. After we got home from the airport yesterday, I went over to my chiropractor's office for an alignment. I think I was so good last night because everything was where it is supposed to be, but by this morning, I was already out of alignment. Maybe he should apply a little glue once he gets everything in place. I think that as I continue to lose weight and strengthen my core muscles, it may be possible to stay in alignment for at least 24 hours. It does have me thinking about how important my alignment is to my balance issues. Ah, motivation, motivation!

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