Saturday, October 17, 2009

208.2 Believing

A part of this weight loss journey that I am on relies on hypnosis, and paying attention to my inner voice, or inner spirit.  I can't explain how or why hypnosis is works, but I know it does for me.  I have talked to a few folks who are quite threatened with the concept and, no matter what I might say, would not feel comfortable being hypnotized.  I, on the other  hand, trust in it and find it safe and exhilarating and helpful.

Going to my inner spirit is a little like praying but more like having a conversation and then being open to how my inner voice or spirit responds. There has been a leap of faith involved that has had to be taken for this to become a part of me.  Sometimes it is hard for me to understand the whole concept  of listening to my inner spirit, but when I do, it has revealed amazing insights and thought provoking answers to my questions/requests.

As I was thinking about it today, it came to me that most of us don't really understand how computers work, how cyberspace is organized, or how we can receive an email almost instantaneously.  (Cher has recorded a song called "Believe".  I keep hearing that accoustically reverberated word believe in my mind as I write about this.)  But we use the computer to make all sorts of things possible even though we don't understand exactly how it all works.

I believe in many things I don't fully understand, including ideas and concepts that have no physical form.  I think it is a good thing to believe in an inner voice that I can't see but that has the power to transform me into the person I am meant to be.  So, inner spirit, you and I are going to develop a stronger and deepening relationship as I continue on this weight loss path.


Anonymous said...

Hi Susan,

I so appreciate your honesty and willingness to share your process. It's a great Blog and reflects your struggle and also your "willingness to believe.! Yea! said...

Do you remember how in Sunday school we were told to listen to "that still small voice within you'? You've really turned up the volume and it's working for you!

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller