Tuesday, October 6, 2009

209.6 Good Intentions Aren't Good Enough!

If you are paying attention to those numbers in front of the title of each blog, you will see that I am up about a pound.  I could blog on and on about why.  Okay, I'll confess.  It started with breakfast at the Westin Hotel where we met a friend visiting from out of town.  If you have never had breakfast at a Westin, give it a try!  I didn't think I did too much damage, but when I read in the WSJ this morning that cocoa was down 15% the guilt hit me.  Had I caused that by eating a mini chocolate filled croissant?  Since it was only about 2 1/2 inches in length I thought I was eating only half, well, half of a typical croissant.  Lunch wasn't off course.  Well, it was a little, if you consider butter and mayo and fresh onion and a little left over pork...I am laughing now, but OMG it was so good!  I did use only 1/2 a slice of my Flatout Flatbread, but still!  We had planned to have halibut for dinner, but Jeff got hungry, I was working on yesterday's blog, and he wanted to go out.  Let's go to a Mexican restaurant he hopefully suggested.  I decided to view this as a challenge and off we went to a new place near us.  Wow!  As we walked through the restaurant to be seated, the food looked wonderful.  After studying all of the amazing(ly fattening) choices, I had a chat with my inner spirit and ordered chicken fajitas.  I think that was a good choice, but I wasn't prepared for the cheese laden refried beans and the fluffy rice that came with the fajitas.  Okay, I had a big bite of the beans, but much less than half the portion on my plate (enough to feed a village anywhere in the world), and I just tasted the rice.  That's how I know it was fluffy!  Anyway, the vegies and chicken were delicious!  And, I just had water to drink.  OLE!

So, why is my weight up?  There is even more to this saga, sadly.  On my way home from a medical appointment yesterday I was starving.  After all, remember what I had had for lunch:).  So I stopped at the grocery store and bought two apples (so far, so good), and a bag of Brazil nuts.  I know, I know, I am one of the few people in the world who loves Brazil nuts!  And these weren't roasted or salted, but yummy all the same.  The bag said that an ounce was about 160 calories.  I kept trying to decide if I had had an ounce as I chomped my way home from the store.  No, I didn't finish the bag, but I know I had more than an ounce.

So now what do I do?  A while ago I would have just given in and given up.  Today, I am going to walk longer and further, drink more water, and get right back on track.

Not that I am counting, but today's blog is my 50th!  Thanks so much for being a part of this journey!


queenmabby said...

wow! your 50th blog - that is amazing!!! congrats!

Kathleen said...

Every once and awhile you are going to go up. You are only human. I am amazed at your progress. Forgive, and then just keep going! You are doing great!

Anonymous said...

What's truly wonderful is that you're so aware of everything you eat. And then you see the scale which tells you what's what. When you keep your eye firmly on the goal, you won't be so focused on food. It won't be that important. Remember...you're not on maintenance now. However, you're learning how to handle that maintenance once you arrive at your goal.

What's also great is that YOU are responsible. You're not dieting. But rather making choices all the time. You're either rewarded on the scale or you've paid the price.

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller