What a crazy morning! The scale made me so happy and I took off to walk a new walk! After doing a familiar loop, I decided to walk on the golf course path from the ninth hole back toward our house. It was early enough that I didn't have to worry about being conked on the head by a golf ball, which may have been better than what happened.
There is a wash between our house and the neighbor's and it leads from the golf course path to our front yard. I was so proud of myself for thinking of it as a new way to go home. As I approached it, it did look like the plants had filled in a little since the last time I cut through there, probably about a year ago. In my new mode of thinking of myself as a thinner person rather than a heavier gal, I really thought I could walk through it without any difficulty. Well, it wasn't so much a width problem as a height problem complicated by stickery things growing on a tree that looked like its foliage was soft and silky. As it became clear that I had to bend down to go under some branches, and started to do just that, my center of gravity obviously shifted and I started to sink, like a rock! So I grabbed onto a branch of this stickery tree. It didn't break, it just started to bend as I was sinking! And, under me was a large cactus. I was where the wild desert things are and didn't want to deal with anything else at that point so I was anxiously looking for snakes, etc. I ended up sitting next to the cactus hoping no one was watching this quite funny site. I did get myself up, not a pretty picture, and hobbled into the house feeling very silly.
Here's the good news - I could never have gotten up from that indelicate seated position a year ago when I would have had to support 30 + more pounds to do the maneuver. And, there weren't any snakes or other critters to cause damage.
The bad news? I will be going to the chiropractor tomorrow to get straightened out, and actually that is no big deal. But next time, I think I will stay on the sidewalk.
Oh, Sue! I hope you forgive me but I was laughing so hard! Just because I have had similar experiences with nature walks. I've actually walked through brush and gotten trapped out of my yard somehow, and I've also gotten so caught in thorns I've had to send one of the boys back for Steve so he could save me.
I'm sorry you have to go to the chiropractor, though. I hope he'll fix you up and you can hop back out there.
oh momma! I'm sad you have to go to the chiropractor but go you for trying new paths:)
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