Tuesday, October 27, 2009

206.6 Mixed Feelings

New territory!  Yes!  Soon the scale will read 200 and I will look back on today as a ho-hum day.  But I am going to enjoy it for the moment.

Today is also special because I started trying on old clothes with the thought of giving them away because they are too big.  How's that?  But there is some sadness mixed in with the whole process because I really love a few of my old things.  There is one jacket that I especially love.  Jeff encouraged me to buy it a few years ago.  It is sort of a rag-tag affair, but no matter where I wear it people stop me and compliment me on it.  I may just keep it and wear it even though I could fit a small child in the front and still button it.  It is a winter jacket so I think I wear it in Boston when we go there for Thanksgiving for a last hurrah!

So now I am wondering if I am giving up more than just weight and clothes as I continue on this weight loss process.   Am I giving up a comfort zone - old, favorite jackets- as my weight, my shape, and my view of myself changes?  Are these exciting and hoped for changes also fraught with uncertainity about how I will be once I reach my goal?  And is this why I have always put the weight back on after I lose it? 

By using hypnosis and relying on my inner sprit,  I think I have already begun to replace the old with some new jackets - new ways to be clothed in a familiar and comfortable zone that will make me feel so at home that I won't have the need to return to the old.  By losing the weight slowly and thus changing slowly, I know  that my new jackets will feel just fine.


Anonymous said...

How about taking in or having some of your old favorites altered? I know what you mean about hating to part with clothes you love - they often bring back fond memories of the happy times you had when wearing them.

You go girl.


priscilla said...

You are doing so well! You're integrating the emotional and practical aspects of what you're doing. Fabulous you!!!

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller