Friday, October 30, 2009

206.6 Oops! I Almost Did It Again!

I think there is a Britney Spears song that has the line something like, "oops, I did it again".  Today I had an "oops, I almost did it again moment".  I used to reward myself with food for all sorts of unimaginable reasons so that I could rationalize buying/eating treats.  I used to reward myself just for doing the grocery shopping.  A little twisted?

Today I was at the grocery store picking up 12 dozen ears of corn for a church event tonight.  The produce manager asked to me wait in what turned out to be the area where the chilled wines were displayed.  All of a sudden my eyes locked onto bottles of Rombauer Chardonnay!  Yes, I know I don't drink wine anymore, but when I did, that was my favorite white wine and a very special treat at $36 a bottle.  As I am looking at it, I begin telling myself that I really should buy a bottle, a bottle that I would drink small amounts from with dinner, rather than a usual serving, which for me was at least 6-7 ounces.  I convinced myself that I deserved it.  After all, I did just have a birthday, and I have saved so much money by not drinking at all that $36 was not a big deal.  I placed the bottle in my shopping cart.  And then my inner voice, my inner spirit, my subconscious mind all yelled at me at once in a chorus!  "What do you think you are doing? What are you thinking?  Put that back!"  I did.  Then the produce manager appeared with all that corn and off I went.  Thank goodness for my team of counselors!

1 comment:

philso said...

way to go, suse!


Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller