Friday, February 4, 2011

171.6 Old Friends

Today I had breakfast with my walking buddy Linda, but instead of walking, we ate breakfast together. It was just too cold and windy to walk. It was great to see her again and to get caught up. I really am aware that when I see old friends after being apart for awhile, that there's a rhythm that we find ourselves returning to, and off we go. We are going to walk for sure on Monday, when the temperature promises to be in the low 70's. I think we can manage that just fine.

And I met up with a second old friend today, my Wii Fit Plus workout program. I hadn't done it or had breakfast with it :) in almost 150 days. Now that's a long time, but explainable because I have tended to use it when the weather is too hot to be outside. And just like seeing Linda again, I quickly got in the rhythm of it and off I went. I want to write that I was just awesome doing all of the workouts, but that wasn't true. However, after some false starts, it became clear that if I stood up straight and used my abs to support me I did much better. In fact I did better than I have ever done on a few of the workouts. So now I can hardly wait to try again tomorrow to see if I can't get even higher scores. Like I've said before, I love the Wii Fit. We're going to continue to be best friends forever and get together a lot more often.

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