Friday, February 18, 2011

172.0 Back To Botox

Today I did it! I had my third series of Botox injections since 2004. So, I don't think I am over the top in regard to cosmetic improvement attempts :). My concern, however, is with the clinician who injected the Botox. She's had a lot of work done on her face and looking at her this morning made me want to shrink away from anything besides Botox.

As I explained to her, since I started on this amazing weight loss journey in which I lost 80 pounds, I know I look older, a lot older. But I'm also three years older, and at my age that accounts for some of the aging, obviously. It will take about three weeks before I notice any improvement with the lines in my forehead, especially above my eyes, and the results should last about 6 months. No, I didn't walk out of the office looking dramatically younger or different.

So we'll see if I do this again. The clinician was ready to sign me up for all sorts of more expensive, more painful treatments, but rather than doing more I may just move into accepting my aging face gracefully. Hmmm...that's a positive thought and doesn't cost a dime!

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