Sunday, February 6, 2011

171.2 On Being Positive

This morning Jeff and I, along with about 30 other folks, went to the first in a series of three sessions at our church on the topic of positivity. It was absolutely fascinating to hear this PhD in Organizational Behavior talk about all of the research that's been done in regard to organizations and individuals in terms of the happiness factor. What I came away with is that through purposeful thoughts about what we are grateful for, what brings us joy, as we go into our day, we can change our brain chemistry so that we become more self confident leading to more creativity, leading to more success, leading to experiencing happiness and on and on it goes.

That's really a simplified version of what the speaker started us off with this morning, but all of this plays into weight loss. As I started this 82 pounds ago, I was determined but I wouldn't say I was happy or confident that this was really going to be a reality. As I began losing more and more weight, I did gain confidence and can see how all of these things came together for me in the process. The children's story of The Little Engine That Could was mentioned this morning and is a wonderful reminder for us, our children, and our grandchildren about the power of being positive as we face life's challenges. I can hardly wait for next week's discussion.

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