Friday, February 11, 2011

172.0 Eggs and Additives

Lately I got into a conversation about egg substitutes versus egg whites as options instead of real eggs. Now I really don't like eggs and have never liked the white portion of a fried or poached egg. I thought egg substitutes were pretty harmless until I read all of the additives listed on the container, so now I'm not real sold on eating them.

So this morning thought I got it right. I ordered one egg with chopped fresh tomatoes, spinach (of course :)), and portabello mushrooms cooked like a scrambled egg. It was wonderful, and kept me feeling full for about 5 and half hours. But as I'm writing this I'm beginning to wonder if the egg they used at the restaurant was a real egg or a commercially prepared egg product full of additives! Maybe I should just stay home or only order toast.

1 comment:

lynseym said...

I'm sure it was a regular egg because they are so much cheaper!

I eat regular eggs as my mid-morning brunch instead of lunch all the time. One is plenty and is good for you! Sometimes we separate the egg whites ourselves but usually just use the egg.

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