Monday, May 10, 2010

187.8 Sometimes, Sometimes...

Sometimes I wish I had never started this blog with the idea that I would post my weight everyday. Today, for example, is not a good way to follow yesterday's rejoicing that I had finally gotten down to 187.0. I know, I know, our weight fluctuates, etc., but I probably would rather just post my weight whenever I reach a new low, and not make public all the roller coastering I do. But I am aiming to make this a very authentic reflection of what this weight loss adventure encompasses, and that in fact, we are all faced with these ups and downs as we work on weight loss.

The good news is that I just returned from a half hour on the elliptical. I was going to stop after 25 minutes, but got lost in watching Oprah and before I knew it, I was at the 30 minute point. So the question to myself is, why did I stop there? Why didn't I push a little harder, a little longer? I'm not sure, but think it is time to up the ante and see if I can go longer, maybe a lot longer. Sometimes, I do things that don't really make sense when I think them through and this is one of those times. Sometime soon, I hope I'll be writing about a lower weight and a longer time on my dear old friend, the elliptical.


Anonymous said...

priscilla said...

One of the most reassuring aspects of your blog is that you DO go up and down. It's comforting to know that others have the same challenge, and like you, over come it!

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller