Monday, May 31, 2010

187.4 Food For Thought!

I am staying positive because yesterday, when I didn't write a post, I weighed in at a very pleasing 186.6. And, this morning when I met my friend to take our walk, the first thing she said was how great I looked, and I was wearing shorts! She doesn't read the blog and didn't know of my former discomfort about my legs, etc., so I was very happy. And, I just said thanks instead of going into a long harangue about how uncomfortable I was , blah, blah, blah! There is a new lightness about me now that I "Let It Go!" And, I have truly integrated the knowledge that nobody really cares about all the stuff I carry around about me half as much as I do. Now there's a big admission!

So today I want to mention a book that I have just started working with. My daughter, Alee, suggested that I take a look at it and I am really interested in all it has to say. It is titled Women, Food, and God, and is written by Geneen Roth. She's been writing on women's issues since the mid 80's, in case her name is familiar to some of you. I'd love to hear from you once you have taken a look at it. It has certainly engaged my mind and I think it contains a lot of food for thought! (Yes, I know I did that!)

Hope you've been enjoying this long weekend.

1 comment:

priscilla said...

Thanks to you 1) I've ordered the book and 2) I wore shorts today!!!

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