Saturday, May 29, 2010

187.2 Here I Go Again, And Again, and Again

The way this blog is set up, every time I put in my weight, it shows me when I had put in the same weight previously. So when I put in the 187.2 just now, I saw that I have already weighed that amount twice during this weight loss journey. Weight loss is not for the faint of heart and it definitely seems to have a mind of its own at times. But every time that I can drop 4 or more ounces in a day, I do celebrate, only not with food.:) So here I go again, staying the course to see 186, then 185 and so on.

I probably won't blog tomorrow. Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's here it for big deal...then 185...then 184...then 183...then 180...gulp...then 175...then OMG...can it can do it...just EAT LESS...have a very few almonds and an apple die lunch...when you eat really slowly and you want that 185 to roll'll be fine...keep fooling your body with exercise and WANT TO BE SLIM...BELIEVE YOU'RE ALREADY SLIM...IMAGINE YOU'RE SLIM...WANT IT...BELIEVE IT'S A DONE DEAL...HUGS,

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