Wednesday, May 19, 2010

189.4 Making Peace Without Giving Up

Another busy, but much happier day, not because my weight is lower, but because I seem to have made peace with myself about what is going on.

I just came in from doing my water workout. I always love to do it because the water is so warm ~ about 90 degrees. Since I have arthritis, the warmer the water the better, so that my muscles don't contract. It's a time to lose myself in my music, and my exercise, and I feel so good during and after.

We are going out again tonight to have dinner with friends. I am much more peaceful also about eating out now and, I will remember not to order soup, no matter how healthy or good it sounds. I bet I could make a good gazpacho using fresh ingredients only to keep a rein on the salt issue. Hot sauce, a little cilantro, fresh tomatoes, fresh onions, cucumbers, and avocado and more cilantro for garnish might just do the trick. I may have forgotten a key ingredient since I haven't made it for a while so I will check the recipe before I make it. It tastes so good on a warm summer night, and we are definitely into warm nights now.

Thanks to all who wrote or called to cheer me on after yesterday's post. I love my blog readers!

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