Saturday, March 27, 2010

189.0 Thinkin' About Things

A couple of days ago I wrote that it has taken changes a lot of areas in order to make a significant change in my life. And then yesterday I gave lentil soup all the credit for my recent weight loss. I was kidding when I declared lentil soup the key to weight loss, but I have been enjoying it while not feeling good. Even though I haven't been exercising since I came home from visiting my grandsons because I have felt so yucky, I think that my metabolism has speeded up which has allowed me to handle the inactivity pretty well.

Doing lots of things that you know are good for you is key. Even though I like to carry on about a specific thing I have done (um, salad for breakfast!?), I know it is a juggling act involving fooling our bodies with variations in exercise, variations in food, and working on dealing with all the reasons we'd rather eat than deal with weight issues.

My friend Kathleen wrote recently in her blog Among The Savages that her cholesterol had dropped significantly and she was thinking about what had caused that. Since she had been making careful dietary choices and upping her exercise, and added flax to her diet, there have been lots of factors at play. And then there's Vegie Night! I really got a kick out of reading her post about adding a "vegies only night" once a week and how her three little boys reacted to that change.

Hope you are having a great weekend, and check out Kathleen's blog listed on the right if you aren't familiar with it. It reminds me of all sorts of craziness and fun that I experienced raising three kids years ago. How did I do it?! You go, Kathleen, and thanks for sharing your stories.

1 comment:

A. Ripped said...

Congrats for your new discovery. This was a very nice blog and you rock. Thanks for telling another blog which is as good as yours.

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