Sunday, March 7, 2010

193.2 A Novel Thought! (as in duh!)

Isn't there a song about having a "new attitude". It's probably from a commercial. I'm just not sure. But I am working on a new attitude about a couple of things lately.

The first is a question I ask myself before I eat anything that is a little"edgey". Do you like that word there? By edgey I am referring to food that is not something I need, not something that is particularly healthy, or anything that I might think about eating once I have had enough. So when I am faced with an edgey moment, I now ask myself, " How am I going to feel about the fact that I ate it when I get on the scale in the morning?". Just taking the time to ask this question has stopped me in my tracks from eating stuff that just isn't worth it.

The second thing relates to the fact we go out with friends more now than I ever remember, and we really enjoy it. We are going out again tonight to an Oscar Night party. I know it will be a lot of fun because we are sitting with a great group of friends, but it also means food that I have no control over, except for the amount I eat. I am thinking about eating before I go to the party and just basically ignoring the food. Jennifer suggested that I focus on my friends and the event rather than even trying to deal with the food. Now there's a novel thought!

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