Thursday, March 11, 2010

191.2 There You Go!

Well now, there you go! I get honest with myself and really look at what I am doing, and focus on the need for me to change and bingo! And, as it turned out, I only ate two meals yesterday in addition to a South Beach Peanut Butter bar and I lost! (I like the South Beach bars because they have less fat and more protein than most.) Another thing I did yesterday was the elliptical for 30 minutes and today I walked for about 30 minutes so I am keeping my eye on the exercise.

As I was getting ready for bed. I was thinking that maybe I would eat something although I wasn't really hungry, so I got on the scale and it read 193.8. (Often when I weigh before going to bed I will be up a couple of pounds from my morning weight. Last night I was up just over a half a pound!) Well, that was a huge motivation to just pop a piece of sugarless gum in my mouth and forget about eating more. Seeing that I was way ahead of the game before bed quickly convinced me that I didn't want more to eat. And, I since I never wake up hungry during the night, I am sure that late night eating is just a remnant of an old habit.

And, this morning, in my quest to change some more behaviors, I started off with 2 glasses of water, got busy getting ready for my sister Priscilla's arrival late today, and didn't eat anything until 12:30. Yes, by then I was hungry:).

Since I had such a big drop from yesterday, I might even pop up a little tomorrow, but isn't it fun to see the numbers start down again. Fifty-six pounds gone as of today and soon it will be 60!

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