Tuesday, March 30, 2010

187.6 Not 50, 60 Pounds Gone!

I just came home from meeting with a new physical therapist. I jumped ship from my old one because this office is much closer to my home and I was ready for a change. I think she is going to be very helpful. The reason I wanted to start PT again is that I want to get stronger, so that I can start doing weight training and eventually, maybe, be able to play at golf again.

So, Allison, the physical therapist, was interviewing me about my recent past history and I told her I had lost 50 pounds. She was duly impressed and we kept talking and then it hit me! I have lost, not 50, but 60 pounds! It just seems so unbelievable. Is this an example of the mind and body being out of synch? Maybe, or does is the enormity of the loss too much to deal with?

When I reach my goal of 170 will I blithefully be able to say, oh yeah, and I lost 77 pounds over the past couple of years, or will I still feel a little staggered by it? I can hardly wait to find out.

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