Monday, March 29, 2010

186.8 Behind The Mask Of Time

Okay, I'm just putting it out there! It really did not feel great when Julien, my almost 4 year old grandson, asked me if I was old! (See post dated 3/19/10.) I tried to laugh it off, but it has hung around in my mind. In fact, I had noticed along with losing all this weight that I was gaining in wrinkles. The two are probably related. Depending on my mood, either I've been threatening to have a major face lift when I reach my weight goal of 170, or I have been more relaxed about the appearance of a large city road map all over my face and suggested just a good dose of Botox now and then may do the trick.

What's funny about wrinkles is that the wearer doesn't see them, except when looking in a mirror. Even though I'm older now, the essence of my being hasn't changed over the years. I'm still the 20 - 25 year old that I used to be experiencing the world from behind my face. And that's what I tried to explain to my grandsons after the shock of Julien's question wore off. I told them to think of my wrinkles as make-up that they may have worn as a part of a Halloween costume or for a part in a school play. Whatever they put on their faces didn't change who they were inside.

And, you know, I have to remind myself of that very idea when I see someone with more wrinkles than I have. I have to remember to look for that very special ageless being behind the mask of time.


queenmabby said...

just remember you are so beautiful on the inside and out!

Anonymous said...

I think you'll see that when you get down to 170 and continue your exercise routine, that your whole body and face will have a more youthful and vigorous vitality. You'll balance out. You're still in transition. Huggies from someone older who knows what she's talkin' about!!!

Unknown said...

Bravo on 186.6 - it won't be long now before you've reached your goal. Then the hard part will be to remember to keep to the regimen so the lbs don't creep back on. That has been my problem - not a really big problem but enough so that I can't button some pants or zip others all the way up. I have to stop wearing shirts untucked to hide it so I will make a bigger effort to lose those 10 pesky lbs.

You comment about wrinkles is inspiring. What shocks me is the grey hair that suddenly appeared when I had to stop coloring it due to surgery. Since I still think of myself as much younger than my candle age it is hard to get used to, especially since many of my friends my age still color their hair and look much younger. I will think of my grey hair like you think of your wrinkles - it's just a fright wig left over from Halloween that I've forgotten to take off :-)

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