Friday, January 21, 2011

170.2 Balance Ball

Today I bought a balance ball to use with my physical therapy program. I've worked with one before but never owned my own big blue balance ball. I'm quite enamored with it, as you can see.

What's clicked in this simply unpredictable mind of mine is how losing weight, and maintaining weight loss is a little like doing a workout on a balance ball. There are so many aspects of what you are doing to keep track of, keep in balance, so you don't fall off. I haven't fallen off the balance ball yet, but I have caught myself in the process of losing it more than once.

Last night we went out to celebrate with friends and I caught myself just in the nick of time, before falling off. The catch was made in response to all of the mind and body work I've done over the past couple of years. Catching myself gave me confidence even though I did over eat, confidence that I knew the value of stopping and getting right back on track instead of giving in and giving up.

Balance in our lives is precious and attainable as long as we remember to catch ourselves when we get a little shaky, when we begin to lose control.

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