Monday, January 10, 2011

169.0 Laughing All The Way To The Bank

About six months ago, Jeff and I discovered a great snack. It's Vic's Lite, Lite Salt Popcorn. It has only 40 calories/cup and the salt content is very low. But it was fairly expensive and frequently unavailable at the only store near us that carried it. So Jeff went on line and ordered it in bulk. He's very proud because he got it for about a third of the cost (including shipping) that we were paying at the grocery store.

So, when I walked into the house today after doing all sorts of errands and things, there sat a cardboard shipping box that measured 14"h x 16"w filled with popcorn. What will we do with all of this popcorn before it gets stale? Suddenly having so much of it so available makes it not quite so appealing.

It's great popcorn and who doesn't like to save money, but 4 pounds of popcorn is a lot of popcorn. Pretty soon I'll be posting breakfast, lunch, and dinner ideas featuring, you guessed it, popcorn.

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