Thursday, January 27, 2011

171.0 Actions Have Consequences (duh)

When I first started this weight loss adventure and Jennifer suggested - I think insisted is a better word - that I weigh myself everyday, I fought it. Doctors, weight loss gurus, everyone knew that you should weigh yourself once a week. Hello..!

But, as this blog attests, I did weigh myself everyday. And today I didn't like what I saw, but I knew it would be up. I could give all the reasons for this upward blip, but all I need to do is get myself back into my more disciplined place. I can't just eat whatever without consequences. That old cliche that actions have consequences plays into weight loss perfectly. So the consequences were staring up at me from my Walgreen's special scale this morning and I'm glad that I saw that 171.0. What if I'd waited a week and being oblivious, I probably would have seen a much greater jump and then would have felt so discouraged. Yes, it's been fun, but gaining weight is not worth the few minutes of yumminess I experienced eating sweets and other carbs.

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Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller