Sunday, January 9, 2011

169.8 Where To Go From Here

It's on my mind. In fact, it's on my mind a lot. Where do I go from here? I know what I want to do, but I'm just not sure how to get started. I really want to help people who are older, and who are possibly, probably, facing health issues, to lose weight and get new energy and a new perspective on life in the process. I know I have learned a lot about all of these issues and am a teacher by training. It's what I love to do. I can do this!

Last night at Jennifer's party, there were people of all ages in attendance to celebrate with her. It was hard to know exactly who was young and who was old. One gal I met told me she was 71 and I would have guessed that she was 55 to 60 because of her appearance and how she acted. Another woman told me she was 75 and she jokingly added, therefore old. She complained of weight gain and not knowing why or how that was happening to her. Her attitude was basically one that many folks I know share, which is I'm old therefore I can't change and I'm not sure I want to change.

So I'm thinking about workshops, one on one coaching, possibly joining forces with Jennifer so that she and I could each bring to the table what we know best. Maybe it's all online and all I have to do is to start searching the topic of starting a weight loss group. It's time to give back and I am searching for ways. It is a big challenge!

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Sue, I know so many people who might benefit from what you have to share, if only they would open their minds to it. I bet if you ran an add at the local grocery, you'd get a group of people in no time! Let me know what you come up with.

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller