Thursday, April 1, 2010

190.0 Congratulations, Allison!

Today I walked into the Resource Center at Paradise Valley Community College where I tutor ESL once a week. I hadn't been able to be there for a couple of weeks and was looking forward to seeing my students. What I wasn't expecting was the reception I received from one of the gals who works there. Allison had asked me the last time I was there how I had lost the weight. I told her that it was basically eating about half of what I used to eat, exercise, hypnosis, and staying connected to my inner spirit. Then I told her about writing this blog and sent her the blog address later that day.

When I walked in this morning, she jumped up from her chair, told me with great delight that she had lost 10 pounds since I had last seen her, and that she is so happy. She said that she has been reading the blog and how much it has helped her. She is struggling with diabetes now and is determined to fight it with weight loss. She said that she decided she was not going to let diabetes be a part of her life from now on.

Obviously, I am thrilled by her success. And, I am so glad that the information in the blog has helped her make the changes that are leading to her success. She laughed and said that what I've written about in the blog are things that she can relate to. For example, she still whines about wine! (See 8/19/09.)

I hope there are lots of readers who are finding inspiration and information through this blog to help them change. That has been one of my goals in writing this since the beginning. So congratulations, Allison! You are on your way, and you made my day!

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