Wednesday, April 28, 2010

187.2 Freshly Squeezed What?

How can I live in Arizona in late April and be "under the weather"? Well, I am. I have experienced the return, in less than 3 weeks, of that plague like condition I was suffering from during my visit to Memphis and Arkansas last month. I feel as if I am living underwater with no energy, nasal congestion, and the sense that I must be 95 years old, and not doing very well. So I went to my doctor this morning (last time I waited about 3 weeks before realizing I was in trouble) and he diagnosed me with the same situation, namely allergies causing a bacterial infection.

But yesterday, after hearing about it, I stopped at a health store and drank 2 ounces of freshly squeezed... Wheat Grass juice! I was hoping that that would be exactly what I needed to get rid of this pressurized head and runny nose. It didn't take care of that, but I felt absolutely great for about a half hour after drinking it.

So today I went on line to read about it and there is quite a bit written about it. It was noted that you do feel great immediately after drinking it because of the boost it gives your blood. It is loaded with chlorophyll, which has a molecular structure very close to that of hemoglobin. Anyway, now I know what to do when I want a healthy pick me up! It didn't taste bad, either. Remember when you were a kid and would nibble on a blade of grass? It tasted like that, but in case I didn't like it, I was given a chaser of pineapple juice to drink immediately after drinking the Wheat Grass juice. If you have a place where you can watch them put the grass through a juicer so it is very fresh, try it! I really liked it!

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

When I got sick two days before my wedding, my brother tried to cure me by making me drink what I swore was grass mixed into apple juice. I was able to choke down half of it before I told him I'd rather be congested and feverish during the party. And I was. I just couldn't choke it down. He swears by it, though, so Hooray for you if you can do it!

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