Sunday, April 11, 2010

189.0 Disaster and Delight!

Yesterday I ate two meals out. Lunch was a disaster. I spent all day at a writer's workshop and with the price of admission, a bag lunch was included. You want to talk about high carbs, and low food value? The sandwich was 90 % bulkie roll and 10% turkey and cheese. Oh, and three silver dollar sized pieces of lettuce. And what else was tucked away in the bag? A small chocolate chip cookie and a medium sized bag of potato chips! You know, I had thought about putting an apple in my purse before leaving the house, but forgot! Forgetting is beginning to be a bigger part of my life than ever! Ouch! Next time I'm in a similar situation I'll remember to pack my own lunch.

On the other hand, the dinner was beautifully prepared by my friend Annis, who has been involved with my journey for a long time now. She made sure there was plenty of salad, delicious vegetables, and was willing to cut me a sliver of one of the best desserts I have had in a long time!

As I think about it, the issue of people and food is funny and complicated. There are "feeders" who want you to eat. They always have food, goodies, available in case you might stop by, and they delight in seeing you eat their food. They want you to eat! And then there are the "non-feeders". They are just as comfortable with you not eating whatever! They are delighted just to spend time with you. I really appreciated Annis's thoughtfulness. She didn't push food on me, and in fact, called me to check on what I preferred to drink and to let me know that she was thinking of me as she planned her menu.

The writer's workshop was exhilarating and exhausting. In my dreams of putting together a publishable form of this blog, I never realized that writing it would be just one little part of it. OMG, that appears to be the easy part compared to all that goes into having a publishable product. This is going to be as challenging as the weight loss, and may take as long! We'll see.


priscilla said...

Regarding "feeders" and "non-feeders": I made a flourless chocolate cake for a dinner party. Instead of cutting pieces and passing them, I asked each person to cut her own. We had fun passing it around the table, and everyone got exactly how much or how little she wanted. There's a lot to be said for "family style"!

Anonymous said...

My lunch was awful too. Sooo rich, and I don't eat rich foods like that. The food was drowned out by the dressing. There are always challenges like this and always will be. Learning from them and moving on - though - is what life's about...

Anonymous said...

I've been busy so just got around to checking Facebook and your blog. Thanks for the nice comments. I was happy to see you didn't have a weight gain after dinner at our house. - Annis

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller