Wednesday, April 14, 2010

188.2 Remember This, Sue!

It just dawned on me that there are a couple of things I do when eating out that I don't think I've ever blogged about. If you have been following my blog you have surely read that I often dread eating out because there are so many unknowns.

If possible, going to the restaurant's website and checking out the menu ahead of time is really helpful. In fact, if you can make your decision before you head out to dinner and then not even open the menu before you order is the best of all worlds. For me, once a decision is made, the tension fades and it's easier. Being faced with 10 or more delicious sounding entrees under time pressure can often lead to disaster. Oh yeah, and ask questions if you aren't clear on exactly what you are really going to get if you order a vegetable that has some fancy term accompanying it. And, always request substitutions if you want healthier side dishes than are paired with the entree on the menu. There may be some limitations, but give it a try. It's also always worth adding a $1 or so to your bill to get what is good for you.

The second thing I've done is to write out some reminders about what I am trying to achieve with this weight loss on my computer, and then print and laminate them. If I am unsure about what I want to do, which as you know is very different from what is the smart way for me to order, I just pull this little card out of my purse and quietly read it and then make my decisions. This has really saved the day when I am in one of those "I deserve it" or, "I don't care, I just want it" moods. Here's what is printed on my Remember This, Sue, card:

I am losing weight.
I only eat foods that are good for me.
One half, one half, one half is plenty for me.
I am getting fit, slender, and healthier because I eat well.
I want to continue to lose weight.
Don't blow it, Sue! :)

Use your own ideas and words in a way that will help you. It's a great way to take care of yourself when you're eating out.

1 comment:

Joanne Jones said...

You are amazing! Your determination and ability to stick with this "adventure" are inspiring! So glad to hear you are finally feeling better! Love, JJ

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