Monday, April 12, 2010

189.8 Okay, Judy, You're On!

I don't know how many people I've told about my blog and I never know if they will read it once they hear about it. But today I got an email from a dear fried who has been reading it, and has been losing weight. Now we are both at the same weight and are going to "sprint to the finish" together. I wrote a post way back when I started this blog called A Letter To Judy, 9/9/09. Judy and I have been friends for, let's see, about 25 years. She is now an ordained minister and has a church in the Boston area. Anyway, I didn't realize that she had been involved with this weight loss adventure until today's email. So now I have a partner and the fun begins. I'll share any insights/tips she might have that she's put to work for her. Okay, Judy, here we go to 170!

1 comment:

queenmabby said...

i'm thinking i might join this challenge too!

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