Thursday, April 28, 2011

175.6 So, Today I'm Tired

I'm tired of being good around food I told Jeff. I'm tired of wanting to drink wine and eat and eat and at the same time not really wanting to do that. I think I am in a serious state of conflict, and, I'm tired.

I woke up a lot during the night, and stayed awake after waking up at around 5 AM. And I had to have a fasting blood draw at 8:30 this morning and then I had to teach at PVCC and then go back down to tutor the Japanese businessman late this afternoon. There's a lot of driving involved when you live a half hour from everything, especially when you are tired.

So tonight, I'll have a healthy dinner cooked by dear Jeff and be in a much better frame of mind in the morning. I'm never at my best when I'm tired.

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