Saturday, April 16, 2011

174.2 Wonderful Response, Great Friend!

One of the many things I've learned is that you don't always know what another person is thinking, or how they view you or others. I have really appreciated all of the encouragement in the form of comments, emails, etc. This morning I received the following email from a very good friend that I've known for about 35 years and was filled with gratitude when reading her message. Here's what she wrote:

That is a great video, Sue. It was too short, but it was really good. I know you are pleased with the results of all the time and work spent on losing the weight. I'm used to seeing you as you are now, so it was a surprise to see those "before" pictures that are painful to you. For me, I'm happy that you are happier being back to the thin person you used to be, but as a good friend, I love you no matter what your weight. Your weight never even "weighed" in to our friendship from my point of view.

Thanks, JoAnne. Thanks for reminding me about what really matters between friends.

1 comment:

priscilla said...

I love Joannie's thoughts. She's a good friend to you.

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