Tuesday, April 5, 2011

175.0 Not Going Anywhere Fast!

I wasn't able to attach a comment that my brother-in-law Phil wrote in response to my speeding ticket post of yesterday. He wrote that it probably wasn't appropriate for him to say "Go, Suse!". That really makes me laugh because that was definitely my frame of mind as I was flying down the road yesterday.

Right now I'm not flying anywhere. After a great morning, I went to see my massage therapist and now I'm having trouble with my back. It will probably be fine by morning, but I've been pretty spoiled lately because my back hasn't given me any trouble and so I'm sort of freaked out by the situation. As a result of all this I canceled our dinner plans with friends and I'm getting reacquainted with my favorite ice pack and moving around the house very slowly and carefully. Ah, here's to a better tomorrow!

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