Tuesday, April 12, 2011

173.8 Reality vs Something Magical

First I want to thank those who posted comments in response to yesterday's post. I really appreciate the support and caring reflected in the comments.

Well, my weight popped up again, a little. But I had a little wine and ate a little low calorie, low salt popcorn and there you have it. What I have to understand is that I have to pay attention, all the time.

I was out to lunch (some might say I'm always out to lunch!) today with some friends and shocking as it may seem, the conversation turned to weight issues. Actually, I didn't bring it up and I try not to bring that topic of conversation up when I am with my friends. But anyway, what I heard myself saying and I know to be true is that slender healthy women are always watching what they eat and that's why they are slender and healthy. It's a no-brainer except for those of us who think that something magical has happened in their lives so they don't have to pay attention.

After lunch I headed over to my nail place and had, as my daughters say, a mani and a pedi. I can't possibly be on TV without doing that:). Yes, I am getting excited! Thursday is the big day.

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