I just got off the phone after talking to my sister Priscilla. She's been a great supporter of this weight loss adventure and I've really appreciated her comments and interest in this blog. I was complaining to her that these last ten pounds are turning out to be a huge challenge, when the lyrics to the Paul Simon song popped into my head.
Slip slidin' away
Slip slidin' away
You know the nearer your destination
The more you're slip slidin' away!
Reaching my goal doesn't just mean I will weigh 170 pounds. It also means that I won't be writing daily posts for this blog any longer, and perhaps this blog won't exist. It also means that my relationship with Jennifer Scott will shift and, even though I know that we will forge a better, more equal bond where I will not be the needy one, it has unsettled me.
This is hard to write but I know it's true. I can't keep moving off topic with crazy photos and anecdotes about my eye surgery, etc. I can't continue to write rather vague :) content based on the song Carefree Highway. Yeah, I knew it was, I think I'll stick with the word, vague.
So that's what is really going on. It's the pulling back to stay with what I know while at the same time, experiencing a strong desire to push forward. My inner voice, my inner spirit tells me that my life is going to be one of focusing on others rather than being as self-centered as it has been over the past several years, and that I'll have the opportunity to help others who want to deal with issues of losing weight, and of facing growing older. What's not to like about that?
This moment in my life reminds me a bit of going off to college. I'm at the stage where the car is packed and it's time to hit the road, not knowing exactly what the experience will entail, but having the assurance that I'll be changed for the better once I arrive, unpack the car, move in and get on with it.
Hey you silly...who says you have to stop your blog. Why not continue it to help people understand maintenance and all that it entails...hugs,
Yeah! Jennifer's right. You think that the blog is over when you've reached your goal? I have a feeling that's when the fun REALLY starts!
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