Monday, September 27, 2010

176.6 Oh, The Pain! Oh, The Wonder! Oh, The Joy!

We have a house guest and we went shopping, and I totally forgot about my blog! I have yet to do that, to wake up one morning and say, oops! I never wrote a post. I'm very glad that didn't happen today.

As you can see, I'm still stuck. I think it's a little odd that I can't lose or even gain .1 or .2 tenths of a pound. Maybe tomorrow?

It was a great day at Chico's. My friend has also lost a lot of weight and was complaining that there was just nothing in a size 1! When she started losing she was wearing size 3, and I couldn't begin to wear Chico's clothes because there was no way I could even think about fitting into a size 3! We laughed that we were quite a pair, complaining that they just didn't have anything in the smaller sizes. Oh the pain! Oh, the wonder! Oh, the joy!

1 comment:

queenmabby said...

who is your house guest? hope you are having fun!

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller