Sunday, September 5, 2010

179.8 Celebrate!

You are looking at the number, aka my weight, and wondering what I am celebrating, right? Well, I'm celebrating that I haven't gained more weight! We have eaten out 5 times over the past 5 days. All of these events have taken place with friends, so it's not like Jeff and I are simply on a roll here. And I'm celebrating that we have so many wonderful friends who want to get together for a meal. And, I'm celebrating that I have finally learned to say to the waiter/waitress that I'd like simply, grilled salmon with no sauce done medium with spinach, and that's it. Is that possible? I haven't been turned down yet! And, you know, once I do that, a wave of peace comes over me because I am no longer struggling about which entree is the healthiest, is low in calories, but do I like it, etc., and should I ...and do I want to...? etc. I am developing gills beneath my ears, but I'll save that for another post :).

Oh, one more thing...I just came home from Chico's and am now wearing a size 1 in tops. That does mean I have no more bosom, but, hey, isn't that why "figure flattering" bras, previously known as padded bras, are available?

Anyway, have a wonderful holiday weekend. I'm taking tomorrow off and will be back on Tuesday, after two more nights of partying! I'm so grateful that I no longer drink, or I would be in very deep trouble.

1 comment:

philso said...

ha ha ha! I have lost 10 pounds!

Even funnier, it's a damn lie! ha ha ha ha ha!

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Susan M Miller