Saturday, September 25, 2010

176.6 Knowing...

My friend Barb from UCLA days called this morning. I hadn't talked to her for a couple of months. She said she had just read my post about being home alone and could tell I was lonesome. I reread that post and I never wrote that I was lonely, but Barb was right, I am lonely. We had a great, long chat, and she didn't know it when she called, but I did need a little spirit lift and she certainly provided it.

And then, when I got off the phone there was an email from Jeff who is still in Boston and a picture of me was attached. He likes to think I am the most beautiful person in the world. Did he know I needed a little boost, too?

I really believe that caring from the heart makes us do wonderful things. I wonder whose spirit I could touch with a call or email? If I listen to my spirit, I will know.


Kathleen said...

This is lovely. It's true that some people know us better than we know ourselves.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for explaining it

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