Tuesday, February 9, 2010

194.2 It's All About Every Day

You got it! I'm really stuck. This morning I was rushing around thinking I didn't have time to exercise and then I heard that wonderful inner voice say, "Wait a minute! Of course you do if you get going!" So off I went to my workout center and did the elliptical for 23 minutes! I wasn't late to my first meeting of the day and it felt so good that I made the effort especially in light of being stuck!

Today I had an interesting chat with a gal I met at my hair stylist's. She's 61 and is a runner. And, she's always kept her weight down except for a short span of time when she weighed about 10 pounds more than she usually does. She said a couple of things that I thought were really telling - she still writes down the exercise she does every day. (I don't do that and I think I'll start.) Here's another thing she said - that people assume that she is slender because of her genes. She said that she has worked on staying slim and healthy since high school. I know that I used to think that some people were just lucky and didn't have to pay attention to their weight or health. Now I am realizing that it's more likely that those "lucky people" have done what I am trying to do now, and that is be disciplined and thoughtful (conscious and aware) of how I live my life. What's the payoff? Enjoying life and feeling good about myself. Even though my weight is stuck, I am wearing jeans in a smaller size! Wowee!


Anonymous said...

Remember to keep fooling your body with exercise. On the elliptical...do a spurt for a minute or half a minute...if you can...do it another time as well...then go back to what you've been doing...keep changing things. Also, I know your Guides have told you that you're holding back emotion...which means you're holding back weight.

Kathleen said...

Weight is weight, and you might be stuck for the moment, but fat and muscle are shifting around as you're working on it. The new jeans prove it! Hooray!

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